- Vision & Mision
- Graduates Profile
- Learning Outcome
- Users
- Glosarium
- Profile Pdf Version
- Graduation Profile:
- Electricity generator O & M technician: Associate degree who is capable in operating andmaintaining equipments in power generation systems.
- Utility O & M Technician: Associate degree who is capable in operating and maintaining utilities equipment in industry and buildings.
- Energy Auditor Assistant: Associate degree who is capable in conducting initial energy audits and auditsdetailed energy on energy system equipment
- Learning outcome:
- Attitudes:
- fear of God Almighty and be able to show religious attitude;
- respecting human values in performing the duty, based on religion, morals, and ethics;
- internalizing the values, norms, and academic ethics
- having a role as citizens who take pride and patriotism, nationalism and have responsibility to the state and nation;
- respecting cultural diversity, views, religion, and beliefs, as well as the original opinions or discoveries of others;
- contributing to improving the quality of socialized life, nation, state, and the progress of civilization based on Pancasila;
- cooperating and having social sensitivity and respecting for people and the environment;
- obeying the law and discipline in the social and state life;
- internalizing the spirit of independence, persistence and entrepreneurship;
- demonstrating a responsible attitude towards the work in the field of expertise independently.
- Attitudes:
- Mastery of Knowledge
- Understand the working principles, processes and performance of energy systems (powerplantsand utilities)
- Understanding the principles of instrumentation and control on energy systems (power generationelectricity and utilities)
- Understanding audit methods and conservation of energy systems (electricity generationand utilities)
- Understanding the codes and standards which are applied in the energy system (power generationelectricity and utilities)
- Understanding changes and developments in global problems that occur.
- Understanding methods and techniques of communicating verbally and through system engineering imagesenergy (power plants and utilities)
- Having knowledge about the development of new and renewable energy
- Mastering the principles and procedures for workshops / studios and laboratory activities, as well as implementation of occupational safety and health (K3)
- Mastery of Knowledge
- General Skills
- Able to complete wide-ranged work and analyze data in proper various methods, either those that are based on the standards or not;
- Able to show quality and measurable performance;
- Able to solve work problems with the nature and context according to the applied study based on logical, innovative and responsible thinking of the results independently;
- Able to compile reports on results and work processes accurately and validly by communicating it effectively to the parties in need;
- Able to work together, communicate, and innovate in their work;
- Able to be responsible for the achievement of the results of group work and superviseand evaluate of the completed work assigned to the workerunder his responsibility;
- Able to carry out the process of self-evaluation of the group work under their responsibilities, and manage the development of work competencies independently;
- Special Skills
- Able to test and measure operating and maintenance parameters on theenergy system equipment (power plants and utilities).
- Able to read and analyze operating and maintenance performance parameters on energy system equipment (power plants and utilities) according to standards applied.
- Able to improve the operating performance and maintenance of the energy system (generatorelectric power and utilities) according to the applicable standard.
- Able to carry out the activities according to the energy system work instructions (SOP)(power plants and utilities);
- Able to use modern technology in implementing O & M andimprove the performance of energy systems (power plants and utilities)
- Have the attitude and enthusiasm to continue learning in improving the performance of energy system equipment (power plants and utilities).
- General Skills
- Learning outcome:
Graduates Excellence: