- Vision & Mision
- Graduates Profile
- Learning Outcome
- Users
- Glosarium
- Profile Pdf Version
Become a leading vocational study program and leading in vocational education in electronics engineering study, especially in Electronic System Manufacturing study, and Control and System
Technology and Computer Network-based Industrial Instrumentation, and still uphold high national cultural values
- Implementing applied oriented education programs and producegraduates who can apply practical theory to manufacturing practiceselectronics, instrumentation and electronic control
- Producing graduates who are competent in Electronics Study, especially SystemsElectronics-based Electronics Study, instrumentation and control manufacturingComputer Network that has a spirit of continuously developing, innovative, technical, critical, resilient,moral, entrepreneurial, and environmentally sound
- Carrying out research related to electronics study, instrumentation and control manufacturingapplied electronics in accordance with the needs of industry and society
- Carrying out community service activities through the use of knowledge and technology in electrical study to support life quality improvement.
- Become a superior and leading study program in vocational education in engineeringelectronics, especially in Manufacturing Electronic Systems Study, Instrumentation Systems andTechnology and Computer Network based electronic control
- Graduation Profile:
- Electronics Technician:
- Intermediate Level Expert who is capable of making designin detail from systems, circuits and electronic devices, both using technologyexisting or new;
- performing calibration and testing;
- making a reporttechnical;
- drafting interfaces with other equipment or systems;
- supervising technicians and other workers;
- and always renewing withtechnological developments, regulations and standards both national and international;
- as well as paying attention to worksafety and environmental aspectsable to solve problems related to Electronics.
- Control and Instrumentation Technician:
- Intermediate Level Expert who develop expertise in the field of Process Control System (Basic Process Control System),
- Programmable Locic Controller (PLC),
- Supervisory Control and Data Acquisiton (SCADA),
- and Human Machine Interface (HMI) which is capable of designing and implementingnew control system, testing, managing and modifying existing systems, andpresent the results, in collaboration with design engineers, operations engineers,purchasing staff and other staff, able to establish communication with partners, suppliers,contractors, and related authorities, are able to manage projects in time, cost, andlimited environment, understanding standards relevant to work safety andquality, providing advice and consultation, being able to make software and testing, create business proposals.
- Electronics Technician:
- Learning outcome:
- Attitudes:
- Attitudes:
- Mastery of Knowledge
- Mastering the theoretical concepts of applied mathematics and physics related to practiceinstallation and configuration, instruction interpretation, operation, testing, maintenanceand improvements to resolve the problem of instrumentation and control systems;
- Mastering knowledge about instrumentation and system testing and measurement techniques
- control using IEC and ISO procedures and standards;
- Mastering knowledge about programming tools, simulation and usageinformation technology for engineering and completion of instrumentation and field workcontrol system;
- Mastering knowledge about IEC and ISO in the field of instrumentation and control systems;
- Mastering theoretical concepts about applied science in the field of instrumentation and systemscontrol;
- Mastering knowledge about communication procedures with other parties by paying attention to the ethics of communication;
- Mastering the latest principles and issues in economic, social, ecological in general;
- Mastering knowledge about workshop SOPs, laboratory activities and OSH;
- Mastery of Knowledge
- General Skills
- Able to complete wide-ranged work and analyze data in proper various methods, either those that are based on the standards or not;
- Able to show quality and measurable performance;
- Able to solve work problems with the nature and context according to the applied study based on logical, innovative and responsible thinking of the results independently;
- Able to compile reports on results and work processes accurately and validly by communicating it effectively to the parties in need;
- Able to work together, communicate, and innovate in their work;
- Able to be responsible for the achievement of the results of group work and superviseand evaluate of the completed work assigned to the workerunder his responsibility;
- Able to carry out the process of self-evaluation of the group work under their responsibilities, and manage the development of work competencies independently;
- Able to document, save, rediscover data to guaranteevalidity and prevent plagiarism;
- Special Skills
- Able to apply applied mathematics and applied physics to procedures and practicesinstallation, interpretation of instructions, operation, testing, maintenance, identifyingsource of trouble (trouble shooting), and improvement to solve problemsthe field of instrumentation and control systems based on the corresponding theorem / theory;
- Able to formulate alternative solutions to instrumentation problems and control systemsusing IEC and ISO standards by taking into account economic factors, K3 andenvironment;
- Able to realize a simple control system design that meets specific requirements based on IEC and ISO standards by paying attention to the economical, K3, and environmental factors;
- Able to perform instrumentation testing and measurement and control systemsbased on procedures and IEC and ISO standards for analyzing, interpreting andapply according to designation;
- Able to use electronic measuring software, simulation and useinformation technology forengineering, completion of work in the field of instrumentation andcontrol system;
- General Skills
- Learning outcome:
- many graduates absorbed in various industries / agencies including:
- Manufacturing Industry
- Automotive Industry
- Electronics Industry
- Petroleum Industry
Graduates Excellence:
- Services that can be provided to the community include:
- Production Field: Making various types of PCBs, Modules / Kits, Experiments, ResourcesUnidirectional, Control Devices and others.
- Services: Providing Consultation, Training / Education, Maintenance and Repair of Tools / Systems, Supervision.