- Vision & Mision
- Graduates Profile
- Learning Outcome
- Users
- Glosarium
- Profile Pdf Version
To Be an exellence study program for vocational education, applied research, and community service in roads and bridges based on science and technology by maintaining national culture.
- Carrying out an application-oriented education program, and producing graduates who can apply theory into road and bridge work.
- Carrying out applied research related to road and bridge that is in accordance with the needs of industry and society.
- Developing student intellectuals comprehensively in a conducive academic environment.
- Educating students with leadership and professional qualities, being able to think independent critically and analyst, having entrepreneurial character, and understanding the complexities of the global era.
Graduation Profile
- Road and Bridge Engineer: Bachelor of Applied Science capable of designing, implementing, supervising and maintaining the service level of road and bridge construction by considering technical requirements related to construction safety, user safety and environmental aspects so able to solve the problems related to medium scale1 roads and bridges in working area.
- Road and Bridge Site Engineer: Bachelor of Applied Science capable of designing related to stages and implementation processes, designing stages and/ or methods of implementation and ensuring the achievement of road and bridge construction targets by considering to technical requirements related to construction and K3 and environmental aspects so to be able to solve the problem in the process of medium scale1 road and bridge construction in working area.
- Road and Bridge General Superintendent: Bachelor of Applied Science who is able to supervise the overall implementation process and ensure the achievement of road and bridge construction targets by considering to technical requirements related to construction safety, K3 and environmental aspects so able to solve the problem on the medium-scale1 road and bridge construction process in working area.
- Learning outcome
- Attitudes
- fear of God Almighty and be able to show religious attitude;
- respecting human values ​​in performing the duty, based on religion, morals, and ethics;
- internalizing the values, norms, and academic ethics
- having a role as citizens who take pride and patriotism, nationalism and have responsibility to the state and nation;
- respecting cultural diversity, views, religion, and beliefs, as well as the original opinions or discoveries of others;
- contributing to improving the quality of socialized life, nation, state, and the progress of civilization based on Pancasila;
- cooperating and having social sensitivity and respecting for people and the environment;
- obeying the law and discipline in the social and state life;
- internalizing the spirit of independence, persistence and entrepreneurship;
- demonstrating a responsible attitude towards the work in the field of expertise independently.
- Mastery of Knowledge
- Mastering the theoretical concepts of applied mathematics, natural sciences (physics, chemistry), engineering science and engineering principles to undertake the design, implementation and supervision of medium-scale1 road and bridge;
- Mastering engineering design principles and techniques including materials science, mechanics (engineering mechanics, soil mechanics, fluid mechanics), terrestrial transport systems, hydrology, geotechnical engineering, road engineering, bridge structure engineering, construction engineering, and road environmental engineering;
- Mastering the principle of survey (land use, contour, transportation), principles of testing of building materials and basic soil improvement principles;
- Mastering the development of technology, especially in road and bridge construction;
- Master the theoretical concepts of construction project management;
- Mastering the technical references in Indonesia and at least one internationally accepted standard (e.g. AASHTO, ACI, ASCI) in road and bridge construction;
- Mastering the latest issues in transportation, road and bridge technology, economy, social, culture, public health and safety, environment and environmental impact assessment due to traffic (andalalin);
- Mastering the principles and techniques of communication (spoken, written, and graphic)
- Mastering factual knowledge on developments of road and bridge construction technology;
- Mastering the procedures and work standards (SOP) of road and bridge construction in practicum, studio and laboratory activities by applying the principles of occupational safety and health and environment system (SMK3L).
3.General Skills
- Able to apply logical, critical, innovative, quality, and measurable thinking in doing specific work in the field of expertise based on the standards competency;Able to demonstrate quality, independent, and measurable performance;
- Able to examine the application of science and technology cases that considering and applying the value of humanities in accordance with the field of expertise in order to produce prototype, standard procedure, design or artwork;
- Able to compile the results of the review above in the form of working papers, design specifications, or art essays, and upload them in the college web page ;
- Able to make accurate decisions based on standard procedures, design specifications, safety requirements and job security in supervising and evaluating on the job;
- Able to maintain and develop networks and cooperation within and outside the institution;
- Be able to take responsibility for the achievement of group work and to supervise and evaluate the completion of aircraft maintenance work assigned to the worker under his/ her responsibility;
- Able to conduct a self-evaluation process against working groups under his/ her responsibility, and manage the development of working competencies independently;
- Able to document, store, secure, and rediscover data to ensure validity and prevent plagiarism.
- Able to apply applied mathematics, natural sciences (physics, chemistry), engineering science and engineering principles to design, implement and supervise medium-scale1 road and bridge;
- Able to formulate the essence of road and bridge design in accordance with Indonesian Standard and/ or International Standard2
- Able to manage surveys (planning, implementing, controlling) and interpretation of data (land use, contour, traffic, hydrology), soil test and analysis (geotechnical), material test and analysis, to produce detailed engineering designs in accordance with norms -guidelines and manual3,
- Able to design road and bridge in the form of detailed engineering design4 using databases and construction engineering references5 by considering the economic, social, cultural, health and public and environment safety factors.
- Able to plan, execute, supervise road and bridge construction process by seeing to public health and safety, and implement management system, safety, health and environment (SMK3L) by referencing to detailed engineering design document;
- Able to apply the implementationof managerial principles (cost, quality, time) in accordance with documents of contract, archives and legal aspects;
- Able to analyze jobs to generate progress reports (weekly and monthly);
- Able to evaluate the compability of work with detailed engineering design and Work Plan and Conditions (RKS)
- Able to plan and carry out preservation, maintenance and repair of road and bridge refers to guidance on road and bridge construction6
- Able to utilize technology (software for designing and construction aids) in carrying out road and bridge work;
- Able to improve the performance of the design process and construction implementation through testing, measurement, analysis and interpretation of data according to the procedures and roads and bridges construction standards7;
- Able to make contract documents8 according to administrative requirements for the planning, implementation and post-construction phases
- Attitudes
- GLOSARIUM medium scale1:
- The design of urban and/ or inter-city road buildings by using technology, principles and techniques of current standard design
- Design of medium span bridge building (span≤100 meters)
Indonesian Standards and/ or International Standards2: Indonesian National Standard (SNI) and/ or International Standard (AASHTO, ACI, ASCI)
Norms-Standards-Guidelines and Manual3: technical guidelines, applicable standards and guidelines issued and authorized by the Ministry or design codes and applicable standards
Detailed engineering design area4: the product of the detailed design process includes: design essence, analysis results, drawings design, Work Plan and Conditions (technical specifications), and Budget Plans.
Database amd reference to construction techniques5: data, information, HPS, guiding techniques
Guidance on road and bridge construction 6: road and bridge management systems to maintain the level of service referring to codes and manuals for highway and bridges in working areas
procedures and standards of Construction7: design, implementation and supervision stages which refers to the technical standards in the working area
​​Document contract8: contracts and procurement documents include drawings design, general terms, special terms and methods of implementation, referring to Minister of Public Works Regulation No.14 of 2013 on Contract Document Standards
- Infrastructure Planning for Road and Bridges Consultant Services Company,
- Infrastructure Supervisor of Road and Bridge Consultant Service Company,
- Construction Management of Road and Bridge Consultant Company,
- Infrastructure Contractor of Roads and Bridges Services Company,
- Technical staff in the Government (local to national level), etc.
In accordance with the ability of D4 TPJJ Polban graduates, will be able to occupy positions as Engineers in the Highway, Bridge, Traffic, Geodetic, Hydrology, Geotechnic, Material, Cost & Quantity, Road Environment, Transportation Environment.
- Graduates Excellence
- mastering the scientific skills of road and bridge construction and applying technical standards.
- able to work as a designer of roads and bridges
- able to solve problems at every stage of medium-scale1 road and bridge construction
- able to lead the team under his/her authority and work in teams on designing, implementing, supervising and maintaining the level of construction of roads and bridges
Carrer advancement
In early career in road and bridge engineering as an assistant engineer to engineer (Level 6 KKNI) and further along with the increased expertise and certification of professional associations will become ahli madya on road and/ or bridge engineer (senior engineer) and manager level in construction projects
Educational advancement
Applied of Master Degree in Infrastructure Engineering (Level 8 KKNI) in Road and/ or Bridge in Indonesia and / or international universities