- Become a leading study program in the field of marketing management at local and regional levels
- Organizing higher vocational education in the field of marketing management with various operational positions in the local and regional labor market and / or have the ability entrepreneurship.
- Organizing applied marketing research and service to the public assisting the development of industry, government and the wider community.
- Developing an academic atmosphere within the academic community that allows it to occur high productivity and work quality.
- Graduation Profile:
- Sales Activity Manager: Able to identify the company’s marketing elements,carry out effective communication, carry out business writing,approach potential customers, implement skillssales and arranging sales plan activities
- Service Activity Managers: Able to identify company marketing elements,carry out effective communication, carry out business writing,realize customer satisfaction and handle customer complaints
- Brand Manager: Able to identify the company’s marketing elements, implement iteffective communication, carrying out business writing, planning researchtowards a brand, process researchdata and carry out events (part ofbrand communication)
- Entrepreneurs: Able to identify business opportunities, design business activities andoperationalize business activities
- Learning outcome:
- Attitudes:
- fear of God Almighty and be able to show religious attitude;
- respecting human values in performing the duty, based on religion, morals, and ethics;
- internalizing the values, norms, and academic ethics
- having a role as citizens who take pride and patriotism, nationalism and have responsibility to the state and nation;
- respecting cultural diversity, views, religion, and beliefs, as well as the original opinions or discoveries of others;
- contributing to improving the quality of socialized life, nation, state, and the progress of civilization based on Pancasila;
- cooperating and having social sensitivity and respecting for people and the environment;
- obeying the law and discipline in the social and state life;
- internalizing the spirit of independence, persistence and entrepreneurship;
- demonstrating a responsible attitude towards the work in the field of expertise independently.
- Attitudes:
- Mastery of Knowledge
- Mastering concepts and methods and tools to manage sales activitiesincluding the ability to identify and approach customerspotential, make sales plans, and make sales for various types
- products and services.
- Mastering concepts, methods and tools to manage service activities including the ability tocommunicate effectively, realize customer satisfaction, and respondthe extinction of customers for various types of products and services.
- Mastering concepts about research methods that include surveys, simulations, andexperiments on quantitative scope, explorative, descriptive, and verification;
- Mastering concepts and methods and tools to manage event activities forvarious types of products and services.
- Mastering business ethics in managing relationships with customers, suppliers, orother interested parties
- Mastering knowledge about the types and regulations of related local, regional, nationalorganizationswith business activities
- master communication rules, principles and techniques across functions, organizational levels, and culture;
- Mastering English both oral and written
- Mastering concepts, methods and tools to identify business opportunities and realize it to be a sustainable business for both products and services
- General Skills
- Able to complete wide-ranged work and analyze data in proper various methods, either those that are based on the standards or not;
- Able to show quality and measurable performance;
- Able to solve work problems with the nature and context according to the applied study based on logical, innovative and responsible thinking of the results independently;
- Able to compile reports on results and work processes accurately and validly by communicating it effectively to the parties in need;
- Able to work together, communicate, and innovate in their work;
- Able to be responsible for the achievement of the results of group work and superviseand evaluate of the completed work assigned to the workerunder his responsibility;
- Able to carry out the process of self-evaluation of the group work under their responsibilities, and manage the development of work competencies independently;
- Able to document, save, rediscover data to guaranteevalidity and prevent plagiarism;
- Special Skills
- Identifying the company’s marketing elements ranging from segmentation, targeting, positioning,marketing and sales mix (selling)
- Carrying out effective communication starting from the communication styles, communication techniques, languagebody to appearance to serve customers
- Carrying out business writing starting from determining goals, frameworksmessages that can describe opening sentences, core messages, to preparedclosing sentences
- Approaching potential customers from search techniques starting from the potential customers, contacting customers and arranging meeting schedule
- Implementing sales skills by preparing sales presentations,carrying out the presentation and closing the sale
- Developing a sales activity plan starting from compiling a sales list, sales target to sales territory
- Realizing customer satisfaction from digging, identifying, confirmingreset to carrying out customer service requirements requests
- Handling customer complaints start from listening, confirming, responding to customers’
- Planning research ranging from problem identification to research design
- Processing research data from data input in research instruments is transferred to processing equipmentdata, until data processing
- Carrying out events (part of brand communication) starting from planning, implementing to evaluating events
- Identifying business opportunities, designing business activities and operating business activities
- Mastery of Knowledge
- Learning outcome:
Graduates Excellence:
- The graduates are expected to be able to handle managerial and practical work in the field of marketing, able to manage sales activities both direct sales to consumers (Business-to-Customer) and business-to-business consumers, able to help manage managerial retail, perform practical work in logistics, perform warehouse and export-import, process accurate data, communicate effectively, both verbally and written in Indonesian and English, manage information and communication to support marketing activities, and have an entrepreneurial spirit.