- Vision & Mision
- Graduates Profile
- Learning Outcome
- Users
- Glosarium
- Profile Pdf Version
Become a superior and leading Diploma 3 Education Program in vocational education of finance and banking study.
- Administering education to produce competent graduates, especially related to finance and banking study, with a strong spirit to keep growing, having moral, having entrepreneurship spirit and environmental insight.
- Performing applied research and disseminating the results to developscience and technology in finance and banking study.
- Carrying out community service activities through the use of knowledge and technology in finance and banking study to support life quality improvement.
- Graduation Profile:
– Bank Officer (customer service officer, international / overseas, credit / loan officer, operation / account officer): Profile of Diplomma 3 graduates of Finance and Banking Study Programs Substantially directed at mastering the competencies of the financial sector that is needed by the body users and funders for example companies and government institutions;
-Financial Dealers and Brokers (Financial market dealers, Financial planners, Stockbrokers): Substantially directed towards the mastery of financial competencies required by the Institution finance such as: Bank Financial Institutions (LKB) and Non-Bank Financial Institutions (LKBB);
– Engineer (Tax officer, Cash officer, Risk Insurance officer): Substantially directed at mastery of financial competencies needed by financial markets such as: Markets Money and Capital Market.
- Learning outcome:
- Attitudes:
- fear of God Almighty and be able to show religious attitude;
- respecting human values in performing the duty, based on religion, morals, and ethics;
- internalizing the values, norms, and academic ethics
- having a role as citizens who take pride and patriotism, nationalism and have responsibility to the state and nation;
- respecting cultural diversity, views, religion, and beliefs, as well as the original opinions or discoveries of others;
- contributing to improving the quality of socialized life, nation, state, and the progress of civilization based on Pancasila;
- cooperating and having social sensitivity and respecting for people and the environment;
- obeying the law and discipline in the social and state life;
- internalizing the spirit of independence, persistence and entrepreneurship;
- Attitudes:
- Mastery of Knowledge
- Mastering the theory of business communication effectively at work;
- Mastering the concept of banking service standards with the correct method based on the SOP according to the head office;
- Mastering the basic theory of calculating foreign exchange sale and purchase according to the correct methodstipulated by Bank Indonesia;
- Mastering investment theory and can recommend the right type of investmentwhich applies in BI;
- Mastering the latest banking information technology system / application appropriately;
- Mastering the method of selling banking products and services in general based on the SOPs;
- Mastering credit analysis techniques according to the provisions set by the head office;
- Mastering the principles of defined credit analysis or the ratio determined at the Bank;
- Mastering supervision techniques of financial transactions in banks based on BI regulations;
- Mastering proper supervision methods in the proper Third Party Fund (DPK) transactionsPPATK provisions;
- Mastering transaction supervision principles for payment services as specified by the SOP set by the head office;
- Mastering the techniques of trade finance transactions based on Bank Indonesia regulations;
- Mastering transaction analysis methods in accordance with applicable banking law aspects;
- Mastering internal and external regulations in the banking world according to SEBI;
- Mastering the method of making bank financial statements according to banking accountingstandards applicable;
- Mastering and identifying banking risks according to Risk Profile in SEBI No.13/24 / DPNP / 2011.
- Mastery of Knowledge
- General Skills
- Able to complete wide-ranged work and analyze data in proper various methods, either those that are based on the standards or not;
- Able to show quality and measurable performance;
- Able to solve work problems with the nature and context according to the applied study based on logical, innovative and responsible thinking of the results independently;
- Able to compile reports on results and work processes accurately and validly by communicating it effectively to the parties in need;
- Able to work together, communicate, and innovate in their work;
- Able to be responsible for the achievement of the results of group work and superviseand evaluate of the completed work assigned to the workerunder his responsibility;
- Able to carry out the process of self-evaluation of the group work under their responsibilities, and manage the development of work competencies independently;
- Able to document, save, rediscover data to guaranteevalidity and prevent plagiarism;
- Able to implement effective business communication in financial institutions, money markets andcapital market;
- Able to apply banking service standards according to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP);
- Able to apply the basic process of buying and selling foreign exchange (forex) with the correct method determined by BI;
- Able to recommend types of investments in accordance with the investment feasibility assessmentwith the applicable tepay on the IDX;
- Able to use the latest banking technology systems / applications appropriately;
- Able to plan, prepare, and carry out product and sales activities general banking services in accordance with SOP;
- Able to compile credit analysis in accordance with the provisions set by the head office;
- Able to carry out defined credit analysis or ratios applied in banks;
- Able to supervise financial transactions in banks according to BI regulations;
- Able to supervise transactions of Third Party Funds (TPF);
- Able to supervise transactions for payment services;
- Able to supervise the process of trade finance transactions;
- Able to carry out transaction monitoring in accordance with the legal aspects of banking;
- Able to carry out internal and external regulations.
- General Skills
- Learning outcome:
- Profiles of industries and companies where alumni take their careers in industry of finance and banking:
Graduates Excellence:
- Use of the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) based curriculum that is needed by the business and industry world. In addition, the D3 Banking Finance Study Program obtained an A grade accreditation from the National Higher Education Accreditation Board (BAN-PT).